Bilp Billboards
October 24, 2022
Best Practices

Webinar Recap: How to Grab Attention with Your Billboard: Design Best Practices Seeing is believing. For customers to know you exist, they need to see it – and for them to believe you could be the answer to their problem, what they see has to matter. That presents a stellar opportunity for out-of-home digital billboard […]

Google Analytics Webinar
October 12, 2022
Best Practices

Webinar Recap: Google Analytics + Out-of-Home Attribution Tracking the results of an offline medium like billboards can be tricky. Check out our webinar recap to learn how to use Google Analytics to help with your out-of-home advertising attribution. To sum up a marketer’s main challenge, we can paraphrase an age-old industry quote: half of our advertising works […]

Political Webinar
September 20, 2022
Best Practices

Webinar Recap: How Every Political Campaign Should Be Running Billboard Advertising Elections matter, and if you want your candidate to have the best chance of coming out on top, you need to get the word out. Check out our webinar recap to learn how to run billboard ads for your political campaign. Before long, it’ll […]

10 Most Persuasive OOH Stats
August 8, 2022

Billboard Advertising Statistics You Need to Know for 2022 We compiled 10 statistics that show how effective out-of-home advertising can be, whether you’re talking about print billboards or their digital cousins. We’ll be honest: we can tell you all about how great out-of-home (OOH) advertising is. But you’ll probably want a little more evidence than […]

B2B Saas
August 1, 2022

Why Your B2B SaaS Company Should be Advertising on Billboards When you drive by billboards on your way to work, or to drop your kids off at school, what kind of businesses do you see? Lawyers? Check. Car dealerships? You bet. Concerts at the convention center? Definitely (especially when someone really good is playing). But […]

Digital Billboards Rumors
July 14, 2022

Have you read the online rumors about digital billboard advertising? In this blog, we will address a recent viral billboard campaign in the gaming industry, and dispel the myths surrounding advertising through Blip. Digital Billboard Advertising Myths If you’re into gaming, you’ve likely heard about the FFXIC The Final Fantasy billboards that were created. The […]

Best MovieTV Blog
June 29, 2022

The Best Movie and TV Show Billboards Have you noticed a billboard in your favorite movie? Check out our list of the best billboards featured in movies and television. When people think of billboards, they think, “Oh, those things I see when I’m driving.” But there’s one other place you’ve seen billboards – one place […]

Top Summer Travel
June 6, 2022

Top Summer Travel Stats Every Business Needs to Know Get in front of traveling customers this summer with billboards! Keep scrolling to read the latest Summer 2022 travel stats. The summer is finally here – and America’s about to take it by storm. Millions of Americans are packing suitcases, loading up SUVs, booking airline tickets, […]

Negative Messaging
May 23, 2022

Why Blip Doesn’t Allow Negative Messaging Keep reading to learn why Blip doesn’t allow it’s advertisers to promote negative messaging through our digital billboard platform! If you’ve advertised with Blip before, you know that your design has to go through an approval process before displaying on one of our digital billboards. In order for your […]

How to Build a Better Campaign
May 16, 2022
Best Practices, Strategy

How to Build a Better Campaign Learn a few tips and tricks to build a better billboard campaign with Blip! Are you interested in learning how to build a better Blip campaign? If so, then this blog post is for you! Whether you are looking to maximize your spend or are trying to achieve better […]